Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Hole In The Heart Games
Greetings to all. I again welcome them to this blog called " - The blog that gives tribute to the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.." 1. I received comments from you saying you do not hear anything on the page of the station, whose address is:
. There can not hear anything because there is a player, only reports the last 10 songs that have been heard, the map of listeners who tune in the station and links the station to tune in your favorite player: Windows Media Player, Real Player, WinAmp or QuickTime. What must you do to tune the station is as follows:
- Through this blog: In the part that says "Radio" La Rockola Greene, '"find a part that says" Select your player icon multimedia to tune the station, "then select the link that corresponds with your favorite music player. If you have Internet Explorer, I will ask whether or save the file. Put it the option to save to have the file on your computer and can tune the station often as they want from your computer. Done. - Through the website of the station: The same procedure as above. Give him just click on the icon of your favorite audio player.
2. As you are aware, on Thursday was the last day broadcast live. And, because I am with some personal and business affairs, programming will change. In this new program will broadcast live only two hours a day. What will pass in those two hours? Well, This is a new program in which:
- Obviously, as the slogan says this season, the best world music.
- Fragments of stories, poems, myths and legends of Mexico.
- "Recalling the Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m." in the form of a capsule.
- The comments and emails from the audience. In addition to please with their favorite songs.
- A new capsule entitled "Hymns of the World." In which put a national anthem in order for them to know how the inhabitants of this planet sing to countries where they live.
- The Music Catalogue of La Rockola Greene "in the form of a capsule so that they know what is the station, and if they like the topic that appears, know where to get it and can make or complete your music collection.
- And many other things.
The name of this program is "Music, Memories and Other Things" will be broadcast every day from 22:00 to 0:00 starting next Monday 31 May.
And obviously, the rest of the day would be dedicated to the "El Gran Musical de La Rockola Code Greene."
Note: The schedule is under the time zone or GMT -6 Central Time.
Well, this is all in this entry. But not before reminding them that if you have material in MP3, OGG or WMA to share, please send me an email to
with the subject "My piece of Radio 6:20 a.m." and attaching a ZIP file. To transmit the emission of the "Recalling the golden age of XENK Radio 620 AM" and the podcasts, people can hear. Obviously, given honorable mention in the station for their great contribution.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Diagram On James Bond
Greetings to all. I again welcome them to this blog called " - The blog that gives tribute to the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.." In
twelfth entry, I give to know the new schedule of the program "Remembering The Golden Age of Radio XENK 6.20 AM "and reprogramming my station" La Rockola Greene "that will be effective from today.
· Monday to Thursday 00:00 - 00:02: National Anthem.
· 00:02 - 19: 30: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
· 19:30 to 19:50: Viva Mexico! Twenty minutes to the best of traditional music Mexico performed by international artists and music genres performed by Mexican artists. A gift of the jukebox musical of Greene for all his audience.
· 19:50 to 20:10: Remembering Our Children: Twenty minutes to music that made us live great moments in our childhood. A Gift of Music on the jukebox Greene for all his audience.
· 20:10 to 20:30: The mood in the Radio: Twenty minutes to the music of the best Japanese animated series. A production of La Rockola Greene for all Otaku and Akiba-Keis of Mexico and the world.
· 20:30 to 20:50: The Feminine Power: Twenty minutes with the best music performed by the great female figures of the music. A musical gift from La Rockola Greene for all his audience.
· 20:50 to 21:10: The Power of the Instruments: Twenty minutes to the best instrumental music in the world. A musical gift from La Rockola Greene for all his audience.
· 21:10 to 21:30: The Music Catalogue of The Greene Rockola ": A program with the most representative musical treasure" La Rockola of Greene "and the audience will know where to get items you listen to form or complete your music collection.
· 21:30 to 22:00: Remembering the Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.: For those who used to listen to the programming of the Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m., you will hear again the representative programs of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.. In this program there are two formats: We hear fragments of original audio programs recorded by me and people I have been authorized to reproduce recordings or recordings I have donated and will be revived under my leadership. In the latter format will try to do my best for the listeners of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m. longer have these fond memories of those programs. If I'm wrong about how to lead, I ask you to please send me an email telling me my mistakes, and I will gladly correct them on the following issues. What I want is some way to revive those programs that were spoiled by the audience of Radio 6:20 a.m..
· 22:00 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
Programming Friday's
· 00:00 - 00:02: National Anthem.
· 00:02 - 19:30: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
· 19:30 to 20:00: The Music Catalogue of The Greene Rockola ": A program with the most representative musical treasure" La Rockola of Greene "and the audience will know where to get items you listen to form or complete your music collection.
· 20:00 to 21:30: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
· 21:30 to 22:00: Remembering the time Radio's golden XENK 6:20 a.m.: For those who used to listen to programming from the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m., you will hear again the representative programs of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.. In this program there are two formats: We hear fragments of original audio programs recorded by me and people I have authorized me to reproduce their recordings or recordings have been donated and will be revived under my leadership. In the latter format will try to do my best for the listeners of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m. longer have these fond memories of those programs. If I'm wrong about how to lead, I ask you to please send me an email telling me my mistakes, and I will gladly correct them on the following issues. What I want is some way to revive those programs that were spoiled by the audience of Radio 6:20 a.m..
· 22:00 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola. Programming
· Saturdays 00:00 - 00:02: National Anthem.
· 00:02 - 19:30: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
· 19:30 to 21:30: The Music Catalogue of The Greene Rockola ": A program with the most representative del tesoro musical de "La Rockola de Greene" y en el que el auditorio podrá saber en dónde conseguir los temas que se escuchan para formar o completar su colección musical.
· 21:30 - 22:00: Recordando la época dorada de XENK Radio 6.20 AM: Para aquellos que solían escuchar la programación de la época dorada de XENK Radio 6.20 AM, podrán escuchar nuevamente los programas representativos XENK de Radio 6.20 AM. En éste programa se presentan dos formatos: Se escucharán fragmentos de audio originales de los programas grabados por mí y por personas que me han autorizado reproducir sus grabaciones o me hayan donado sus grabaciones y también serán revividos bajo mi conducción. En éste último format try to do my best for the listeners of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m. longer have such fond memories of those programs. If I'm wrong about how to lead, I ask you to please send me an email telling me my mistakes, and I will gladly correct them on the following issues. What I want is some way to revive those programs that were spoiled by the audience of Radio 6:20 a.m..
· 22:00 to 22:30: Poems, Stories, Myths and Legends of Our Mexico: A program that will hear the fascinating literature of Mexico.
· 22:30 to 23:00: My Memories in the History of Mexico: A program that tells the history of Mexico through of his characters.
· 23:00 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola. Programming
· Sundays 00:00 - 00:02: National Anthem.
· 19:30 to 20:00: The Music Catalogue of The Greene Rockola ": A program with the most representative musical treasure" La Rockola of Greene "and the audience will know where to get items you listen to form or complete your music collection.
· 20:00 to 20:30: Remembering the Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.: For those who used to listen to programming from the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m., you will hear again the representative programs of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.. In this program there are two formats: We hear fragments of original audio programs recorded by me and people I have authorized me to reproduce their recordings or recordings have been donated and will be revived under my leadership. In the latter format will try to do my best for the listeners of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m. longer have these fond memories of those programs. If I'm wrong about how to lead, I ask you to please send me an email telling me my mistakes, and I will gladly correct them on the following issues. What I intend is somehow revive those programs that were spoiled by the audience of Radio 6:20 a.m..
· 20:30 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene: A program with the best music collection of Greene's Rockola.
Note: Schedules are in the time zone or GMT -6 Central Time.
If you have suggestions or proposals for programming, you can write to e and gladly discuss and see if the schedule will change again based on his suggestions and the survey that follows in the blog.
Well, that's all for this entry. We are in contact through e or through the blog. Until then.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Save The Horse Ride A Condom
Greetings to all. I again welcome them to this blog called " - The blog that gives tribute to the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.."
eleventh entry in the many issues that I will try.
- First, today marks the third anniversary of the death of Don Armando Rascon Salmon. A great speaker who admired him for many years and I am glad the music presented here to stay and I loved to listen to the programs "Here Las Vegas" and "Mexico's Dream" because they knew what was both Las Vegas and Mexico even though they were spaces paid by a travel agency. You know, I would have liked to meet in person at Don Armando Rascon Salmon and have a talk with him who told me about the Golden Age of Radio 6.20. The truth was sad for me to know who died, but two years later. And, from 2004 to 2008, spent many things that I could continue listening to Radio 6.20: Find work, the sad news that an uncle of mine and also one of my favorite artists had prostate cancer, worked in different things and where I could not listen to radio, the death of my uncle after 3 years of fighting cancer, but when I was unemployed and had the opportunity to hear radio did not because he was depressed about not finding work and because things did not improve for my uncle even though he struggled against this damn disease that is killing many people. It was early last year, everything changed for both my family and myself, I returned to listen to Radio 6.20. And after a full day listening to the radio, I wondered why he was not Armando Rascon Salmon. I thought he had retired. But out of doubt, I decided to investigate and when I found a page that discontinued the Radio 6.20 on its Web site that showed me the sad news that Salmon Armando Rascon died on May 14, 2007 minutes before with his "The Catalogue of Music is here to stay." And on that page that I found particularly dedicated to Armando Rascon Salmon a day after his death and a poem entitled "From birth," which was written and dedicated by his brother Henry. Here is the poem:
from birth
My beloved brother Armando, a
a simple way soon!
From birth
bring death and when we die we receive life that Christ
life, for good luck
his own death, we were promised.
you when you were born you brought joy
your six brothers and our fathers,
A March 7
was a beautiful day in our house that was such a sea. Never
were defeated by the misfortunes of life itself, insurance
Because you brought with you
angels who made your life a prism.
illuminated with beautiful lights Prisma,
Since all colors are beautiful
after they gave you great joy and bitterness
to save you much pain. Thus, optimistic
your life spent delivering
really sincere affection,
That's why now that you left your cries
starting around the world.
More'm sure that wherever you stand
we're saying "I'm very happy because I was
cruel dam walls that enclose
thousand pains and sufferings."
From birth
death bring more life and death are passed
love is perhaps why, in my eagerness to see everything
I mean I love you ... Armando!
Mr. Enrique Rascon Salmon.
The address of the page where I found that is:
. The truth was shocking for me to know that, because what is left of I used to hear the station, the magnificent voice of Armando Rascon, ceased to exist. And really, as I repeat, the only thing worth listening to Radio 6.20 In these days include the "Catalogue of Gold Music That Is Here To Stay", "Italianissimo" and "Time of Music Music in Time. " For other programs devoted to politics, religion, natural medicine and the evolutionary transition, with all respect to those who like it, are pretty boring and have nothing to do with "The Music That Is Here To Stay." And it makes me sad to know that removing more spaces are provided to music more programs with that kind of content rather boring.
Since March more spaces away from "The Gold Catalog Music That Is Here To Stay", which is the true essence of Radio XENK 6.20: They removed the spaces Wednesday 3:00 to 3:30 PM 8:00 and 9:00 PM to put a natural medicine and other emotional problems, respectively, and removed from space Friday 4:00 to 5:00 PM half-hour programming to other natural medicine program. Since Armando Rascon Salmon died, the station has been getting worse and putting music programs by removing those programs that many people are bored. And as a listener of Radio XENK 6.20 for 20 years, it hurts in my heart that everything that used to be 6.20 is in the minds of many listeners who are looking for alternatives. And I say this because I met many people who liked the programming of Radio 6.20 and that, when they were removing the programs and music space, they decided to listen to stations like Universal Stereo, Mix FM (when they want to hear music from the 80 and 90), Phonograph (though its programming is broadcast old songs from Mexico, Latin America and Spain, suddenly put instrumental Franck Pourcel and other great masters), among others. A person who is very close to me and taught me good music, my grandmother, who years before I started listening to Radio 6.20, is completely disappointed in the season when they began to drastically change its programming. So, Cadena RASA, or lose more audience, it is best to put the batteries, put more music programming and remove those programs that have nothing to do with what was 6.20 before you bought it.
- Well, moving on to another topic. As he had said just two entries, the same day I published that post, I went to the offices of Radio 6:20 a.m. to give my material to the call. Well, that day was great because I go to the store and see the facilities of Radio 6.20 while up to 2 nd floor to see Norberto Bautista Nunez. And, of the many times I went to the offices of Radio 6.20, just went to the store and not beyond it. Actually I was very excited to come and see the facilities. On the first floor to see in gold letters "Broadcasting Partners" and the shield of RASA in gold. And on the left, I saw many cubicles. Obviously, I did not, but I looked because I did not get in trouble and poque my goal was to raise the 2 nd floor to give my material. When you reach the 2 nd floor, I asked one woman, very kind indeed, who was in receipt by Norberto Bautista Nunez, and she called a man who was talking to another and said "Norberto, someone looking for." Immediately, upon seeing me, approached me, greeted me and asked me how he could help me. After greeting me, said hello and then said the following: "Nice, is a pleasure to meet you. I am a listener of Radio 6.20 for 20 years and have come to give my material to the call." He replied: "20 years listening to? You look so young!" How old are you? ". I replied: "28 years." To which he asks: "Does your father listened to the station?". I replied that no, my grandmother was the one who was listening all day and was there as well as I I liked listening to Radio 6.20. Norberto he replied: "It's good to know that more and more young people are listening. Well, what do we bring?". That's where I show my stuff, which I did like a type library collections that record companies have done recently to the delight of music lovers. Here are photos of my stuff a couple of hours before delivery:
The top box
The interior of the box
CD's 1 through 6 are the poster of Armando Rascon Salmon
CD's 7 to 12 which form the poster of the Cock Sixto
backups of CD's in MP3
Bottom side of the box
Well, it took more than a month to do so. From the first day I heard the announcement of the call in late March to 7 am on the same day he delivered. Continuing the theme, after he saw my stuff, Norberto gave me two pins of 6.20 with the Cock Radio Sixto, told me he liked what he had done and asked me my book for me contact you later with the goal of being interviewed by special anniversary of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.. I will not say when the broadcast. But I guess it will be for Sunday June 20, when it meets the 64th Anniversary of the season.
- Bien. El siguiente tema es acerca de mi estación de radio. A partir de mañana, la estación tendrá formalmente la siguiente dirección:
. Desde las 12:00 Horas, comenzaré transmisiones con el programa "El Gran Repertorio Musical de La Rockola de Greene" hasta las 19:30 Horas. Luego, la programación será la siguiente:
· 19:30 - 20:00: El Catálogo Musical de La Rockola de Greene. · 20:00 - 21:30: El Gran Repertorio Musical de La Rockola de Greene. · 21:30 - 22:00: Recordando la Época Radio Gold XENK 6:20 a.m.: At issue in the morning, on his death anniversary of Armando Rascon Salmon, pass the Armando Rascon Salmon special which aired the day after his death.
· 22:00 to 22:30: Mexico de Mis Amores.
· 22:30 to 23:00: Poems, Stories, Myths and Legends of Our Mexico.
· 23:00 to 23:30: My Memories in the History of Mexico.
· 23:30 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene.
And Sunday:
· 00:00 - 19:30: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene.
· 19:30 to 20:00: The Music Catalogue Greene La Rockola.
· 20:00 to 20:30: Remembering the Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.: In the broadcast on Sunday, reborn the "Personality" featuring Ray Conniff.
· 20:30 - 00:00: The Great jukebox musical repertoire of Greene.
Monday will give details of the new schedule, which will now be 24 / 7. Well, that's all for this entry. We are in contact through e
or through the blog. Until then.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tortilla Chips And Ulcerative Colitis
Greetings to all. I again welcome them to this blog called " - The blog that gives tribute to the golden age of Radio XENK 6.20 AM ". tenth
In this post I will address five topics:
First, since I gave my material for Radio XENK call for 6:20 a.m. on Wednesday. So in the next post, I will give details of: - My visit to the station beyond the store.
- The honor of meeting and talking with Norberto Bautista Nunez, music programmer of the station, who gave my material.
- Photos of the material delivered to the call.
Second, as promised in previous posts, finally published here has fond memories of XENK José Luis Resendiz 6:20 a.m. Radio. Jose Luis is one of readers of this blog and who was kind enough to write me via email that you will read below:
"6.20 Radio reminds me of my childhood. The phrase 'The music is here to stay' took her tattooed in millions of cells in my head. It is therefore unforgettable. Just as the cock that both shocked me when he passed the middle of a song he was recording in the new Sony stereo cassette recorder. Guauuu! That replaced the Stromberg Carlson console that had turntables 4-speed (16, 45, 33, 78 rpm). I spent hours listening to music, going to school and listen to this station because my older brother (14 years older than I) always listened. So, I recorded my cassette and then chose the songs I liked and went to another cassette.
also listened to other stations, Radio Capital, Radio Trece (at that time also passed instrumental music), Radio Hits, but none had the good taste and a repertoire of 6.20.
the evening listening Café Concierto (I still remember the music it had) but not who is the grounder. And later, they passed other programs, do not know if the Big Band or something. And I fell asleep listening to the radio, imagining at times a scene from the great Fred Astaire and breadth of the great halls of American casinos that never met, but both imagined.
It's funny, but I feel nostalgia for a time I could never live. Ja! Good phrase, right?
to say goodbye now, a couple of weeks we were like crazy looking for a grounder who played guitar, he could be Santo and Johnny, The Ventures, The Shadows, Al Caiola, or something. And I sought among the success of all these and nothing. And he says a guy: I think that grounder went from the bottom of a Capital Radio program, and there came that it was The Shadows. Then I concentrated on finding more of them rolas. And indeed, 'Peace Pipe' was the name. I love it. Ah la rola presentation of program was 'Dance On', also with The Shadows. I say, the manic and some friends. Heh, heh.
See you later. I'm listening to right now a huge instrumental grounder with classical roots, called Joy. Who's playing? "
What do you think this story? For me friends, it was a pleasure to read and that is why it is published in this space is for all those who were, are and will remain a living memory of what it was a great radio station and met with her music and real artists (not as many today who claim to be). Season with many generations grew up and lived for many years. Well, in response to that last question, who plays a version of "Joy" to which he refers is Apollo 100.
now friends. If you know who plays the theme from Concierto Café would be great to share the data so that you can get and make it as it is actually on my music space station.
Third, I could not finish the samples for Saturday work and family commitments. So, I ask you to forgive me. The samples will be ready for next week.
Fourth, as promised, on May 10 resumed the third stage of transfer. However, I had more than 2 hours by technical problems and could only transmit almost 2 hours of programming. The next day I had no problems. And today, Wednesday, fell flat to the server and could not transmit anything. So, I finally decided to hire a radio transmission service pay online.
Fifth, this service pays the and was hired with the basic package with Auto DJ to broadcast 24 / 7 for $ 300 a month. The new server will be available within the next 24 hours. So it will be until Friday or Saturday you can master the tools that have the service and forward under the new server. So, there will be new programming. As you are ready to transmit, with happy in this space will give the details to me tune.
Well, that's all for this entry. We are in contact through e or through the blog. Until then.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pillsbury Boxed Brownie Recipes
Greetings to all. I again welcome them to this blog called " - The blog that gives tribute to the golden age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.."
In the ninth inning I give the details of the call of the 64 th Anniversary of XENK 6:20 a.m. Radio has not given details on the ads more than needed to send data.
Last week I went to the premises of Radio XENK 6.20 for two things: "First, to buy a couple of albums that I heard announced and whose samples came in "The Gold Catalog Music is here to stay."
- Second, to know the details of the exam because they do not specify the opening hours of recordings or deadline. So, I asked and was told that the last day for listeners to send your recordings to XENK Radio is 6:20 a.m. until May 30 and hours are Monday through Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 Hrs. The same music programmer, Norberto Núñez Baptist, is in charge of getting materials from listeners.
I already feel more at ease because today I'm going to give my material more personally after a month of work. I hope the station you like the material I compiled a collection of 12 compact discs with their respective covers and storage box. And in those CDs I selected the best of the programs used to hear in the years 1996, 1997 and 1998. In addition to several recordings as intros, slogans, jingles and special speakers did to Don Armando Rascon Salmon a day after his death. I will soon see how this collection and listen to these recordings in broadcasts the program on my radio station "Remembering The Golden Age of Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.."
And talking about my radio station, it weekend will put some samples of programs broadcast on my station "La Rockola Greene," including the program on Radio XENK 6:20 a.m.. The third stage of life of my season starts on May 10 at 19:30 Hrs. I invite you to hear them as the rise to have an idea how to drive the programs. And if any you like, there will know when to tune.
Finally, in the next post will post some anecdotes about 6:20 a.m. Radio XENK I wrote a reader of this blog to my mail. And that lack of time, I could not publish. I ask you to forgive me for neglecting this space but I've been working out my problems work, school and personal that I'm taking little by little. Well
. That's it for this entry. Until the weekend.
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