Thursday, August 27, 2009

Scooter Bunion Surgery

TP 1st video game. Bibliography

are already in the folder of Arts Multimedia 1 of Coprint Photocopying texts for the 2nd quarter.

The notes are:

- The imaginary Numerical simulation and synthesis. Arlindo Machado.
  1. - The Medium is the program. Xavier Berenguer.
    - The art and software. Lev Manovich. - Reconsidering Flusser and technical images. Arlindo Machado.

    - From object to the interface. Gui Bonsiepe.
  2. - The language of new media, the image in the digital age. Lev Manovich.
    - The harmonics of the interaction. David Rokeby.
    - aesthetic aspects of telecommunications. Eduardo Kac.
  3. greetings.

Las Vegas Brazilian Wax Men


We remind those who have not given up the writing part or those who wish to recover this Wednesday 26 / 8 will take the Recuperatorios.
texts that enter the evaluation are the same: Coprint Photocopying (Multimedia Art Portfolio I): - Hypertext. The convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology. - Landow
- The advent of interactive media - Machado - What are the new media? - Manovich

blog are available in the following texts: - How to articulate the space and time - Burch
- 's Poetics - Aristotle


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Angela 'myammee' Pitts

Recuperatorios Review. TP3

addition to the appraisal for we make a brief return to their jobs.

Castillo, Castillo : N +

, Very Good dynamics and resolution of the board assembly. It's good intention to sell the game through the video, but not enough to be clear that dynamic.

Garone, Mangas

: N +,
Good game dynamics. It highlights the video presentation in 3d, but still the audio-visual piece is not effective.

Ledesma Adissi; Paredes

N +
, very good presentation and the use of different materials for the game. Very well done video too.

Brito; Fernández :
SN, excellent conducting the game, finish and dynamics.

Aizawa, Guarino, Perez : N +

, the video is very well done, very educational. The game presentation is correct. Good job.

Zamudio; Ghianda; Restrepo
  • N- , the board was not well resolved, there is a good resolution on the axes of the route raised. The game does not present a successful aesthetic unity. Bruce Naranjo Nubia Perez :
  • N- , the board is small and there appears to be justifying the actions to perform. The video is very pixelated. Ibarlucía, Lopez Bello Antakle
    : SN
  • , very good game dynamics, the system well developed, well thought out packaging. The video presents some technical problems, but it rescues the proposed sale of the product through the development of a story, with the introduction of a narrator off. Kocsis, Lamas; Lanoel :
  • N-
  • , the game is sometimes disappointing dynamic. The video is very dark, is pixelated and several times it will focus. Wang; Grignoli; Roklaw :
  • , the game is overloaded and failed an aesthetic continuity. The video is functional and the soundtrack reinforces the question posed. Castiarena; Lepore, Facelli :
  • SN, Excellent work. Very well-considered and determined the idea of \u200b\u200bsystem is evident in all elements of the game. Including the video achieved a particular aesthetic. Arias; Mangialavori; Caiafa : N
  • , is an interesting proposal for the type of game, if not finish. Diaz Merlis; Leyrado :
  • N +, is very interesting game mode, the election of the board and its termination. The challenge is good in the video. There is no soundtrack. Califano, Martinez, Pardo :
  • N
  • , The game is visually appealing and dynamic, have been very interesting images have been produced by the group. Quinteros, Jerman, Scheiner :
  • SN , game mode and attractive design. The video is effective. Ducos, Zapata :
  • N
  • , While the proposal and the concept is good, the group has not responded to the guidelines of the chair. Rivas; Vich : SN
  • , the idea as much as the concept of this game were original. The packaging and implementation were well resolved very neatly.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Specific Diagram How An Slr Camera Works

Dear, We leave These links to open the investigation into the world of videogames.
  • independent games festival
  • Machinarium braid trailer
  • blueberry garden official page nanw's great adventure
  • hellosoursally papercritters
  • experimentalgameplay

    links for gamers by gamers

    the art & business of making games

    game programming wiki


    independent gaming forums


    Texas Law, Holding Personal Property

    Video games ratings


    For those wishing to download the pdf of the talk he gave us
    Augusto Petrone
    Crafter Game Three Melons, click here


    Link at Three Melons page, click here



    Thursday, August 13, 2009

    Drivers License Renewal Locations Columbus Ohio


    On Wednesday 12 August is the delivery of tp 3. In the conditions mentioned in the previous post
    not forget to add the video everyone should occur in both online and on CD version to file the chair. The link should be included in a text file on the CD delivery. Remember


    To avoid conflicts, decided to standardize the delivery of videos.
    should be delivered 2 versions, one online for a quick and accessible to facilitate the correction, and another on CD with better quality archiving mode only for the chair.

    Online version: the video must be properly posted on any platform online (youtube, vimeo, flickr, etc) with a format of 640 x 360 (widescreen) or 480 x 360 (4:3). The URL must be included in the specification and in a text file on the CD.

    CD Version: The video must be in Quicktime format (. Mov) or Windows (. Avi). not use formats such as mpeg or wmv. In the case of using avi, indeo compressor recommend 4.5 or higher. The fomat should be 864 x 486 (widescreen) or 640 x 480 (4:3).
    The Video must not exceed the minute, so no problems should be recorded on a CD.


    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    Libido Lower Mirtazapin

    Delivery tp 3


    as is known by all the first quarter could not be completed in a timely manner for health measures that led to the closure of universities for this reason we decided to reschedule delivery dates to close the first half of the stuff and continue programming the second semester. What we do is the following:
    In these almost two weeks that remain of recess ( the course will resume on Wednesday August 5
    ) should continue to develop the game and make a presentation of the through the creation of a blog, in which hang photographs and detailed below as slogans tp, upon satisfaction of the slogans, post the link to the blog in this post so that we can go and make seeing a return. The date of this release is online deadline to Tuesday, August 4 at 12 noon the day before to meet again in class. On Wednesday 5 settings are correct and Wednesday 12 would be the final delivery.

    Then we left the luggage delivery and complete: TP

    Aleph game.
    1. Presentation of the complete set, including:
    . Name of the game.
    . All the elements of the game.
    . Container support.
    . Instruction Manual.
    2. Conceptualization:
    . Justify the idea chosen for the creation and development of the game and its relation to story "The Aleph." Should be done by computer, A4 format. The text can not be longer than 1 page.

    . Support for display of text: a choice.
    3. Process:
    . Write the work process, including class to class corrections, modifications, developments and conclusions. Should be done by computer, A4 format. There may be no longer than 3 pages.
    . Support for the presentation of the process: a choice.

    4. Oral presentation of the group with all its members.
    . The day of the delivery group will be a presentation of the game for the whole class.
    5. Delivery of practical work in time:
    . The opening hours of practical work will be 9:15 to 9:45 pm.
    . All work submitted after hours will not be corrected automatically being deprecated.

    That's it for now, we hope consultations and mainly links to blogs, unfortunately, the interruption of classes did you have to expedite this stage, and even more so considering that the practical work will last quite a while (there developments already whole) should not delay further.

    Please as they enter and reading this post, contact with peers to do the same and no one is unaware of the new schedule as well as delivery terms.
