Thursday, August 27, 2009

Scooter Bunion Surgery

TP 1st video game. Bibliography

are already in the folder of Arts Multimedia 1 of Coprint Photocopying texts for the 2nd quarter.

The notes are:

- The imaginary Numerical simulation and synthesis. Arlindo Machado.
  1. - The Medium is the program. Xavier Berenguer.
    - The art and software. Lev Manovich. - Reconsidering Flusser and technical images. Arlindo Machado.

    - From object to the interface. Gui Bonsiepe.
  2. - The language of new media, the image in the digital age. Lev Manovich.
    - The harmonics of the interaction. David Rokeby.
    - aesthetic aspects of telecommunications. Eduardo Kac.
  3. greetings.


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