Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Is It Safe To Feed Pidgeons To My Burmese Python?


  • are already set the dates for delivery of TP 2nd and part of videogame writing.

  • The next installment will take place on Wednesday 14/10, will also include the deepening of the creative process, along with the corrections made class to class, assembling a team blog by a trailer and a video.

  • The blog will include mainly chosen to develop the concept in the game, with all the progress that day. Mentioning: aesthetics, plot scenarios, settings and characters, navigation system, etc. The sketches may be included as part of the investigation artistic references (if any). Interaction Design: Gameplay, actions, objectives to be met. The trailer and the video for the instance of the pre-delivery may be in process.

  • for final delivery: a 20-second trailer and a video presentation of the entire game, which obviously contain the level developed.

  • Then on Wednesday 7 / 10 we set the pre-delivery, groups which do not have all these elements are not entitled to make the 2nd delivery.
  • comprise at least 20 screens in a presentation in digital format for display in class. Should post the links to their blogs until Tuesday prior to delivery at noon.

  • The writing part is Wednesday 21/10 to 9.30hs. Including all texts in the 2nd quarter.
  • The notes are as follows and are in the copier Coprint (current and yatay):

  • - The imaginary Numerical simulation and synthesis. Arlindo Machado.
  • - The Medium is the program. Xavier Berenguer.

    - The art and software. Lev Manovich.
  • - From object to the interface. Gui Bonsiepe.
    - The language of new media, the image in the digital age. Lev Manovich.
    - The harmonics of the interaction. David Rokeby.

    - aesthetic aspects of telecommunications. Eduardo Kac.



    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    Can You Go Tanning After Getting Wax

    Pre-game partial delivery + letter. Ratings


    We leave the scores of students who took part Recuperatorios of writing.

    Adissi .......................... Approved. Califano

    ....................... Approved. Facelli
    .......................... Approved. Garone
    ........................ Approved. Ledesma
    ..................... Approved.
