Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How Many Calories Ina Brownie



Cristian Gomez Acevedo 4

Aizawa Mercedes 7

Antakle Ana Laura 9

Arias Lucas 5

Alegre Federico Benitez 4

Brito Matias 9

Bruce Naranjo 5

Caiafa Sebastian 5

Agustin 9 Castiarena

Noelia Castillo 5

Castillo Retamales Lautaro 5

Merlis Rodrigo Diaz 6

Ducos Adelina 7

Facelli Laura Elisa 9

Grignoli Carolina 4

Mary Guarino 8

Ibarlucea Joaquín 9

Thomas Jerman 7

Maria Kocsis 7

Germán Lamas 7

Lanoel Marcelo 7

Lepore Evangeline 10

Leyre Manuel Inacio 7

Carlos Lopez Bello 9

Denise Mangialavori 5

Martínez 8

Noni Pamela 8

Paredes Santiago 8

8 Andrés Pérez

Nubia Perez Cerna 5

Quinteros Malena 8

Julian Restrepo 4

Mariano Rivas 9

Roclaw John E. 7

Jonathan Scheiner 8

Vich Gabriel 8

Wang Antolina 4

Giovanni Zapata Castellanos 7

What To Say When You Get An Award




While the idea, the concept and theme of this game are interesting, they could not capture the potential clearly explained verbally class to class.

The demo and the trailer are similar, have no difference between one that should support a product marketing strategy and one that should show a developed level. Yet they have a very good editing. The site contains the menu at the bottom right corner which is not desirable because the different browsers out there.

Revenge of Gaia


knew how to carry out an original idea respecting all aspects of both graphic, video, trailer, aesthetics, post-production sound, web, packaging, etc., a system that responds to a strong teamwork clearly reflected in this result.



The idea is good, but not exploited the aesthetic system of choice. The trailer grew significantly after some modifications and adjustments, is effective, we understand the dynamics of the game. The video showed him missing to complete the proposed system. Unit missing aesthetic and criterion of representation between the two parts. It enhances the size of the video (with the dimensions of the iphone) and also implemented the font used on the website.


N +

It the proposed new game. The trailer is effective working properly and makes it clear video explaining how to play. Very well expressed the visual system in two parts, the site and packaging, resulting in growth of this work apart from taking observations in each class.

Reincarnation in the streets


Excellent work. Very well made entertainment, the characterization of each character, plans, funds, choosing the soundtrack, aesthetics, etc. You notice a research on this type of game. Resolved both audiovisual works with the unit marked by the representation system as well as the site. Very good editing and post-production visual and audible.

Stairway to freedom


The idea of \u200b\u200bthe character's aging is interesting as Borges' Aleph trigger. Is well achieved in this work.

The trailer is a bit short to understand that this is the game, its dynamics o su diferencial. Las capturas de las pantallas y los escenarios pasan demasiado rápido y no se pueden apreciar. El video en cambio resulta demasiado largo. Contiene información de la cual se podría prescindir porque se entiende el pasaje de un estadío al otro del personaje principal. La mezcla de idiomas (castellano e inglés) entre las pantallas confunde notablemente al usuario además que pasan muy rápido, no se llegan a leer. No fue profundamente investigado el target para el cual está propuesto este juego. El packaging está sumamente desprolijo en su presentación.

Made in


The graphics system, aesthetics, representation of characters, context, the stages of this work is very original. The trailer is very short and ends abruptly not understand that this is the game. The video has no soundtrack, except for some sound only when the character performs a specific action. It also presents some problems in certain frames in which the character's head is cut at an angle upper left. Had no website or blog.

N +

interest is the meeting point raised by the game, in relation to the Aleph, from the partition, sampling and the synthesis by which this group has been routed along the various corrections is evident in the work process. Both the explanatory video
as the trailer work, leaving the mechanics of the game clear. Both will require further development in the application of design in relation to the graphical portion game.
The packaging is very elaborate and creative, responds perfectly to the system and match aesthetic raised

Encre Ville
N +

is very well resolved the trigger taken from Aleph, "the point that contains all points" and its application in the mechanics of the game as the match graph, the point where the game takes more strength and is constructed from the concept, supporting and resining. As for the videos, explaining the mechanism works is unclear, it has much visual impact the city of paper and is well settled. The trailer will require further development because if it raises an question, it is not clear what the mechanics. Packaging as to whether it is correct to the dominance of white space that must be addressed from the "ink" the proposition is not fully integrated with the graphics appeared. NO2


Excellent work from concept and its relationship with the mechanics and aesthetics of the slogan raised.
Both videos are very effective and very bein made fulfilling the objective of such parts audiovisual communication. While the web
and pakaging meet the slogan of work are not the same level as the rest of the paper. Construction


The most notable work is that from the synthesis as a trigger for developing a system from the mechanical be more complex.
The party aesthetic, underpinned by constructivism, accompanies and reinforces the concept of synthesis.
The videos are right, work, and make clear the game. There are some limitations in animation, both the ball as the stage.


N + trigger is very good game and its application from the mechanics and aesthetics raised. It is remarkable representation and animation of the different levels. The trailer and
explanatory video work, are well made and animated, some drawbacks in the soundtrack.
The packaging is perfectly within the system proposed by the group.

The stamp

Excellent project from the harmonious coordination between history, gender, the game mechanics and aesthetics. All parts of the project show that joint.
You can see the work they have done, not only in generating the photos and aesthetics "stamp" but also in the animation, programming, development of videos, in the recording of sounds, voices, characterizations, the choice of music and pakaging. Cardboard

N-game proposal is interesting but this adaptation of the mechanical and aesthetic game has some problems.
One of the problems that the game is the lack of hierarchy in objects that are linkable, but the group has worked on this for optimizing the interface corrections, we believe it still can improve. As the party
graph, is a leading cosmetic line, a preponderance of yellow color saturation, very interesting, it has to do with the representation of the scenarios and characters.
On this line another line aesthetics involved (graphic onomatopoeia hits) with other code that is not complemented with the statements. This makes the aesthetic party is not defined.
While the videos feature some technical details, we note the progress and the group's work

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Social Rule Cards Autism

final delivery. Return the 2nd delivery


Next Wednesday November 18 will make the final delivery of the practical work of video game.

Here are the patterns of delivery:

FINAL DELIVERY One facet (max per item)

aesthetic Party Concept the target audience.

VIDEO DEMO Video with the development of a game level, showing the dynamic mechanism, characters and game objectives.

Web game sales.

The form of delivery consists of: The game presentation folder and a DVD and / or data CD with three files: the trailer, the demo video, and web. We recall that the format of "packaging" has to respond to the system of the game.

The videos must be delivered. Avi or. Mov PAL. 720 x 576pxl Ibarlucía, López Bello. SN
, very good trailer, it is clear the idea and concept of the game. The demo is correct, but starts and ends very abruptly. Good job of post-production sound. The proposal is very original.

Noni. N +
the trailer and the video were a bit short, it does not follow that it will treat the game. The aesthetics, the choice of typography and elements of the system are very interesting in this work.
Lamas, Lanoel. N +

, the trailer can not be called as such since it does not have a strategy of selling the product. The video is attractive given the character design but lacks demonstrate the mechanics of the game. Very good production.

Adissi, Brito, Paredes, Roclaw. N +
, the trailer is very good and effective. As for the video is not completed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dynamics proposed in the game. It has a confusing end.

Ducos, Benitez, Zapata. N +, it's interesting the proposal of the game. The video has little of the mark raised in the conceptualization and process. Try to avoid image file (such as the capture of the binary code) and music that we associate with other audiovisual works.

Perez, Bruce, Acevedo Restrepo. N-

Not be able to view the files recorded on CD, because they are in. Wmv. By visualization done in class, the video was very short and pixelated and not really understand that it will treat the game. Under only one video.

Califano. Martinez Pardo. N +
. Is clearly the dynamics of the game in the structure of the video. Video does not work as marketing and sales of the product. Set the edit screen character to approach the proposed system.

Castillo, Castillo. N . Need to work and further develop the game mechanics and its various applications and possibilities. This development strengthen and enrich the video product sales. Facelli, Castiarena Lepore. SN
. Good trailer, reinforces the mechanics of the game, is effective. This work is very original.

Aizawa, Guarino, Pérez, Leyre.
    . Delving deeper into the development of a screen applied to the game to enrich both audiovisual works.

  • Wang, Grignoli. N-
  • . The slow pace makes the video animation is very dynamic and effective. It is not clear what the function of the mouse within the game mechanics. Interestingly the character you get older and have to go through different obstacles.

  • Rivas, Vich, Diaz.
  • . The trailer reading raises lack of contrast, is not effective as a sale of the game, missed the system is visual and aesthetic raised. The video explains the mechanics of the game correctly.

  • Scheiner, Quinteros, Jerman. N +
  • . The trailer has sound problems. While the video presents an approach to the game, it is unclear how to play, and what are their goals.

  • Caiafa, Arias, Mangialavori. N +
  • . The trailer is effective, could extend and display the choice of the alternative option character. The video is correct, the system well posed. The end is no sound and images.
  • greetings.