Sweets Cartavio Casa Grande and acquired 12 000 750 kilos of insecticides between Caput Carvadín and investing more than 165 000 soles in order to support local governments in controlling this pest. The municipalities of Santiago de Cao and Casa Grande have received 5 000 500 kilos each and the difference is support to other districts and both companies are bugged also announced.
As is well known, this product has become scarce in the market and its price is high, so we asked local government support for immediate purchase, the same has become effective this week, they said.
We have also offered personal support to advance the work of eradicating insects whenever they deem necessary and as requested. Health authorities should coordinate with local governments and avoid duplication of efforts and lack of coordination, they advised.
also stressed that the presence of cane is not related to the spread of the disease. In this area there were always rod and the main population centers, Casa Grande and Cartavio, with more than 65 000 inhabitants between the two have not reported cases. So far the presence of this pest has been observed in the villages of Sumanique, Mariposa Lewis and others, so that health authorities should review and clarify the real causes of this scourge. It is known that in these places live in appalling conditions of health.
recommended greater investment in systems water and sewage and garbage clearing and cleaning. Regarding the latter announced that the Chicama district has required the support of the sugar with machinery for the removal of mounds of trash in his district and the company will extend support to other district requiring it. Responsibility must be faced with the causes of this disease and no excuse, they said.