Members of the Committee on Broad Base Casa Grande district, met with claims and complaints against Dr. Adrian Rojas Vergara director, stating that insured the said physician, was treated for office but at times, leaving her job at any moment, but height problem is passing the patients of Dr. Alva Diaz, to be attended by the director, with the reference that Dr. Alva replacement to the night shift manager said Monday 11 of this date to continue through the day Tuesday consultotorio 12 of these, it is clear abuse of authority that has been practicing the director of the Specialized Medical Center Casa Grande Essalud Dr. Adrian Rojas Vergara employed doing medical work more than 8 hours continuous Alva Dr. Eduardo Diaz, to show these acts here is the audio of the complaints and claims of policyholders.
Press with the mouse the following link:
Claim and the Insured complaint Ms. Claudina Cerrepe .
Claims and complaints of the insured and Mr Wilson Mrs Erika Moreno Birth .
Insured Claim and complaint Humberto Cardenas .
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