During the time we climbed information as Committee Member of the Broad Base, widely read blog local, regional, national and international, not thought to be part of the ongoing complaints, grievances and complaints against the administration Specialized Medical Center "ESSALUD" Casa Grande is young Director Dr. Adrian Rojas Vergara, doctor who went into replacement (available to The Care Network of Liberty be your current manager Dr. Milton Ramirez Herrera, and never put the same objection , instead opt for a new change) of former director Leoncio Vásquez Santos, the time, sacrifice, evidence presented and seven showed that irregularities were committed by the Ad Hoc Committee formed by its President Dr. Miguel Angel Ayala Tresierra, being in the management of that time Dr. Jorge Ferrer Caro, was obliged to form that committee by pressure Wide Base Commission District Casa Grande, to track the time these acts of alleged irregularities in the CME ESSALUD - Casa Grande, where thanks to the participation and collaboration of the Indo-American Association of Retired Rome whose Chairman James Mr. Mercedes Cabanillas, ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS OF CASA GRANDE, taking as its Chairman Mr. Segundo González Linares, who in regular meetings with the director present to completely change the administration of Dr. Vasquez Santos, and last approximately 06 months and while waiting for results of the previous management left the director, but now it is getting worse all the difference CHAOS abuse of authority, by the current Director, to the detriment of Dr. Eduardo Alva came in their place, but the detail is that did work over 12 hours straight, dated Monday 11 to Tuesday, 12 by week of this month, confirming this information with the same physician dialogue concerned Dr. Alva., the pharmacy is staffed by unqualified personnel, dispatching drivers, personal security, doctors arrive at the wrong time of admission to care for their patients and when they pick up their medicines, the pharmacy is closed, Padomi, visitors come not more than three months ago, on the other hand, the insured if outpatients are 30 to 40 without being served from 4:00 am, unable to return to quota place of origin (Mocan, La Quinta, Santa Clara, Facalá, Lache, Chacarillas, places near Casa Grande District All this is evidenced audios claims and complaints from policyholders in the District of Casa Grande and its jurisdictions, although there is a moral that says: "As you sow CROP" NO HIDING ANYTHING THAT FOUND OVER TIME. All these records were played at the last meeting dated Tuesday 19 October, this month, the Committee on District Wide Base Casa Grande to the Essalud Care Network of Casa Grande, we are awaiting delivery of the Management the city of Trujillo, since in the coming days we will travel to Lima and also discuss the new president of the Lima Essalud Alva Dr. Felix Ortega.
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