Friday, February 18, 2011

Day After Stomach Virus

With the participation of over 150 colleagues Popular Movements and Cooperatives was held today the delivery of equipment and opening of the Factory "Colonel. Fray Luis Beltrán" of precast concrete.
The program itself is a result of ARGENTINA WORKS, this new stage production that we are developing from the Municipal Executive Unit with the co-movements.

D uring the meeting also presented the kits of equipment for future blacksmiths will be riding in different neighborhoods, then after the training in occupations which begins the week next.
The commitment to the production stage has to do with the leap in quality that have ARGENTINA cooperatives to work, causing a consolidation of its working group in the office, equipping and primarily on opportunities to get more work out of public works.
blacksmith's proposal, block, carpentry, etc. aims at covering a historical demand of our people that is neither more nor less than the housing.

peers were present July Zamora, president of the City Council, Ramiro Martinez executive director of the Executive Unit, Lisandro Reynoso Director of the Executive Unit and Coordinator General of the People's Development Center, the JP Milca Evita Sosa and Sergio Romano, head of the Movimiento Evita Tigre.

accompanied the event, a ballet murga flolckore and the neighborhood to share the joy militant to be building a homeland to work for everyone.


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