Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Does Denise Milani Pose Topless?

"The only organized gang here is the Police Station 4 °"

More a thousand comrades were mobilized yesterday in the town of José León Suárez for justice by Mauricio Ramos (17) and Franco Almiron (16), the two companions killed by members of the Buenos Aires Police last Thursday.

At 17 pm began concentrating on the corner of Juan Manuel de Rosas and Frías. The first row of the column was occupied by the families of the victims, and Joaquín Romero (19), who is hospitalized in serious condition. Then the neighbors and social and political organizations: Movimiento Evita, Evita JP, La Campora, MUP, Transversal Front National People's JP Descamisados, MTE, among others.

"We want a strong hand. We do not want repression. The kids want for work and education. "Criticism and chants against Buenos Aires was a symbol of progress. In front, a banner with the slogan: "No kid comes running." "Mauricio Ramos present. Franco Almirón present. Cárcova present. Now and forever. "The cry against forgetting is repeated throughout the walk.

The march walked a dozen blocks in parallel to the tracks and in the direction of Cárcova. Completed upon arrival at the place where to Almiron and Ramos shot. There, in Aguado and April 2, was installed a monolith with photos of Mauritius and Franco.

The impromptu event was opened by Rachel Wittis. Leonardo Grosso, national head of the JP Evita and one of the speakers, said: "The only organized gang is the fourth police station here," requestioned political and media releases that indicated the youth as a focus for crime and led the applause of neighbors and family. Also speaking were representatives of political, social and trade union deputy Depetri Edgardo (FPV), the owner of SUTEBA, Roberto Baradel, the deputy Adela Segarra, Andrew Larroque by The Campora; and Rep. Ferdinand "Chino" Navarro.


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