contract was signed between Fade and
Fade Contract with Embraer informs that the Company on April 13 signed with Embraer the city of Rio de Janeiro and in the context of the show LAAD Defense and Security 2011, an agreement by which the factory will launch a comprehensive process of investment and development to manufacture and supply aeropartes the company Embraer, which secures work and real income to our firm until 2025. This contract will allow us, for the first time, export through bulk mass production of parts for this new aircraft which will be marketed worldwide. Under the contract, which also bears the signature of the Defense Ministers of Argentina and Brazil, Antonio Arturo Puricelli and Nelson Jobim, and within the framework of bilateral integration agreements on production for defense, Embraer has committed to buy for a period of ten years, between 2015 and 2025, a minimum of 180 sets of components of the new KC-390 aircraft, with the Brazilian company, one of the largest global aims to compete in the segment of large transport planes carrying military and civilian use. The agreement goes into effect today represents an important challenge for FADEA and will require the development of human resources through training, investment in new machinery and equipment, facility improvements, review of production processes and management and development of utilajes needed for production. That is why the Board instructed that it would initiate a management purchase of new machinery and plant improvements to be financed with a special cap and prepared by the Ministry of Defense and the utilities' own operational exercises 2010 and 2011. We wanted to wait until the signing of the contract to say without doubt that the cabin divider, the nose gear doors, the frame of pressure, speed brake, and tail cone fairing flaps of the aircraft, which Air Force will use different the world over the coming decades, will be manufacturing and Argentina Cordoba, product engineering and technical national example of the art industry to be able to develop in these hangars and today, after arduous negotiations and after years of delays, did so again. The commitment undertaken today requires the expression of greatest virtues. Requires high-tech development of materials, maximum process safety, compliance with quality standards required by Embraer that are required at the highest international level. They are thus giving a jump immeasurable possibilities, to a prosperous future and possible.
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