Sunday, March 27, 2011

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The National Day of Memory for Truth and Justice, thousands and thousands of Argentines rallied in throughout the country. The Plaza de Mayo was one of the epicenters of the day, filled for the overwhelming popular repudiation of the coup and in tribute to the 30,000 companions who dreamed and fought for a homeland for all, that we're doing really since the 25 May 2003, Nestor and Cristina started a new course.

In this context, since the JP Evita by the Youth Association, escraches Clarin Group, denouncing his complicity with the civilian-military dictatorship. With a large banner with the slogan "Clarín - Magnetto returned to the grandchildren" march for the highway to stop toward education TV Channel 13 and TN.

Leonardo Grosso, referring to the JP Evita said the agency told Paco Urondo that "today is a space for all Argentines, March 24 is the day of memory , truth and justice and we believe that even here progress has been made but we also believe that the grassroots organization has to press there that is still missing and wanted to come here to show the whole Argentine people that there are many companies that were complicit in the dictatorship. In fact the owner of the multimedia Clarín has two children that we believe are appropriate and we they do not obstruct justice and more to get to the truth to prove the identity of the children why we came here under the banner Clarín - Magnetto returned to the grandchildren as a way of expressing what is lacking in human rights must do with pressure still exercised corporations in Argentina. ".

unified column JP Evita and Youth Association, with Leonardo Grosso and Facundo Moyano to the head, hours later marched to the Plaza de Mayo to the main event organized by human rights bodies .


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